May 19, 2017 | News
I have just added a short post of an event that took place in 1968.
The first reader who can correctly locate and identify this most recent post will be the recipient of a FREE, autographed copy of my book, “As I Recall…”
Just click on the “Contact Larry” tab at the top of the Home Page and leave your answer, along with your name, address, etc., and how you would like your book inscribed. That’s all there is to it!
* Entries’ mailing address MUST be within continental United States to qualify.
Apr 12, 2017 | News
A dear friend, a real character. An extremely intelligent man, with his own opinions, his own style, and in a class of his own. He was as funny as any comedian I’ve ever seen, as kind as anyone I ever met, and let us not forget, one TREMENDOUSLY BAD-ASS bass player! (No 10’s for Banner!)
You will be sorely missed, my friend, by so many of us whose lives you touched!
R.I.P. BANNER THOMAS 1954 – 2017

Mar 21, 2017 | News
Due to positive results from recent scans, Larry’s Chemotherapy regimen has been SUSPENDED for 90 days!
This is wonderful news, as it not only confirms that the treatment is actually working, but also allows Larry an opportunity to recuperate somewhat from several months of poisons being regularly injected into his body. THIS presents the opportunity for more BOOK SIGNINGS to be scheduled in the very near future! Please stay tuned!
Mar 1, 2017 | News
The book, “As I Recall…” is available exclusively at Clark’s Music Center – 5539 Roosevelt Blvd/US17 – Venetia Village – 904-738-7111 – Stop in to see Clark and Lisa and their extensive inventory of fine guitars, amps, effects pedals, accessories, instructional books/sheet music, drums and band instruments today.